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Duty to Keep and Maintain Safe Premises

When you are injured while lawfully on someone else’s property (whether that being on public or private properties), the owner is liable and responsible for your injury if the owner’s negligence caused your injury. For obvious reasons, all property owners, including both private owners and the government, have a duty and responsibility to keep and maintain the premises in safe condition that does not pose harm or danger.

caution wet floor sign

Types of Premises Liability Cases

While a more common type of premises liability involves slip/trip and fall situations involving slippery surfaces or other tripping hazards, premises liability is not only limited to slip/trip fall situations. Premises liability cases include a wide range of fact scenarios such as:

  • Defective and/or uneven sidewalk accidents
  • Snow and ice accidents
  • Elevator and escalator accidents
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Inadequate building security leading to injury or assault
  • Fires and explosions
  • Dog bites and animal attacks

In most premises liability cases, one central question comes down to whether the owner of the property “knew” or “should have known” about the dangerous condition on the property that caused the injury. Proving or being able to prove this is not a simple task as there will be no clear evidence about what the property owner knew or should have known prior to the accident in most cases.

Fighting for Clients’ Legal Rights

At Song | Park, LLP, we possess substantial hands-on experience gained directly from litigating all types of premises liability cases against individuals, corporations and municipalities. We act quickly and conduct detailed investigations in order to gather and obtain crucial evidence and work tirelessly throughout the litigation process so that you can be in a position to prove your case and hold the property owners accountable for your injuries. At Song | Park, LLP, we keep fighting the good fight for our injured clients’ legal rights.

If you or a loved one has been in an accident involving premises liability, contact the lawyers at Song | Park, LLP, for a free consultation to discuss any questions and/or concerns regarding your accident. We take every case on a contingency fee basis. Call us at 718-569-5430 or e-mail us at

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