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At Song | Park, LLP, we provide comprehensive, caring and assertive representation to our injured clients. For the last decade, our team of attorneys has resolved countless personal injury cases representing victims of personal injury in New York and New Jersey. Our team not only possesses a deep understanding of the complex laws and requisite skills for effective representation involving personal injury; but we are also committed to give the care and attention that each and every case deserves. You can count on our team to fight for you, your claims, and your compensation. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

Auto Accidents
Pedestrian Accidents
Premises Liability
Hit and Run / Uninsured
Bicycle Accidents
Bus / Mass Transit Accidents
Wrongful Death
wheel of justice

Comprehensive Legal Expertise and Strategic Case-Building

If you or a loved one was injured in an automobile accident, in a slip and fall accident, in a hit and run accident, or injured in another way, we can help. Our team of attorneys has a distinct history of success in personal injury law. Throughout our time serving New York and New Jersey, we have helped thousands of people in situations similar to yours win their cases. While you focus on recovery, we will build up your case meticulously with a clear plan and aggressively and strategically execute the plan to ensure you get the results that you deserve. No matter how complicated or difficult your case may sound, we are here to help you resolve it. You need and deserve strong representation. Leave it to Song | Park, LLP.

At Song | Park, LLP, We Keep Fighting the Good Fight.


Personalized Experience and Maximum Compensation

When we sit down with you for your consultation, we give you our undivided attention. From there, we put the same thorough effort and time into your case – as we do with all our clients. Our team understands how serious personal injuries are and how they can alter your life. We are able to navigate the complicated process of getting your claims to be heard and securing the compensation you deserve for your injury. Throughout your case, we will keep you informed and updated on crucial details, so you are always in the know. Do not wait to file your claim. The sooner we act, the better.