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Song Headshot


Lana Ahreum Song, Esq. is a partner at Song | Park, LLP. With a decade of experience as a litigation attorney before various Courts, Ms. Song dedicates herself to vigorously representing victims of unfortunate accidents. With her passionate belief in justice and accountability of the wrongdoers, Ms. Song has relentlessly advocated accident victims from the inception of the case through the trial verdicts and has established a reputation as a well-respected trial attorney through her exceptional litigation know-hows and negotiation skills. Ms. Song has meticulously and strategically represented victims of most serious personal injury cases, including wrongful deaths, traumatic brain injuries, spine surgeries and fractured bones. Ms. Song has resolved a countless number of cases with substantial recoveries for her clients victimized by unfortunate events.

Ms. Song is licensed to practice law before the Courts of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and U.S. District Court of New Jersey. Ms. Song obtained her B.A. in Sociology and Economics from the University of Michigan- Ann Arbor and J.D. from New England School of Law before returning to her home state of New York where she began her legal career at a personal injury law firm as a litigation attorney before establishing Song | Park, LLP.

Park Headshot


Steve Jungsuk Park, Esq. is a partner at Song | Park, LLP. Fiercely dedicated and extensively knowledgeable in the field of personal injury, Mr. Park has obtained the best possible resolutions of victims of various accidents with the most effective strategies. With a decade of courtroom experience, Mr. Park has obtained a successful resolution of his clients through settlements and verdicts. Mr. Park is also a seasoned appellate attorney chronicling notable victories in the appellate courts with an exceptional success rate in obtaining favorable decisions on behalf of his clients on a broad spectrum of complex legal issues. With a strong aspiration to help those in need, Mr. Park continues to represent victims of various accidents with his extensive experience in handling a case from inception to its resolution. Mr. Park strives to protect the rights of accident victims with compassion and empathy.

Mr. Park is licensed to practice law before the Courts of New York and New Jersey. Mr. Park obtained his B.A. in Sociology at the State University of New York- Stonybrook and J.D. from Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center graduating with the honor of magna cum laude. Mr. Park was an associate at a busy personal injury law firm before he established Song | Park, LLP.

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