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Thousands of Bicycle Riders Are Injured in Accidents Every Year

Whether as a means for transportation or leisure, riding a bicycle can be fun and, at the same time, beneficial to health. Unfortunately, most of the roadways do not provide a designated bike lane resulting in bicycle riders to share the roadway with cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks, etc. This poses a great danger to bicycle riders at every thinkable level. As a result, thousands of bicycle riders are injured every year in accidents involving motor vehicles. Bicycle accidents can result in serious and sometimes fatal injuries even in low-speed collisions that range from minor scrapes and bruises, broken bones and severe back, brain and spinal cord damages to even death.

bicycle lying in crosswalk

Following the Rules of the Road

Bicycle accidents with automobiles involve many of the same issues as any accidents that involve only automobiles. Just as drivers of automobiles, bicycle riders are expected and required to follow the rules of the road that apply to them such as: yield to pedestrians; obey all traffic signals, signs and pavement markings; ride with traffic, not against it; ride on the street, not on the sidewalk; use marked bike lanes or paths whenever possible and so on. Often, the automobile drivers and the insurance companies will attempt to blame and place fault on the bicycle riders to minimize or escape their liability from the accident by relying on these rules that apply to the bicycle riders. As a result, it is very important to choose a lawyer that you can trust who will actually put your best interests above the rest.

Fighting for Clients’ Legal Rights

At Song | Park, LLP, we are not only vastly experienced in handling the accidents involving bicycle riders, but we are committed to giving the care and attention that each and every case deserves. We take pride in building up your accident case meticulously from the ground up with a clear plan and aggressively and strategically execute the plan throughout the litigation process so that we can ensure you get the results that you deserve. At Song | Park, LLP, we keep fighting the good fight for our injured clients’ legal rights.

If you or a loved one has been in a bicycle accident, contact the lawyers at Song | Park, LLP, for a free consultation to discuss any questions and/or concerns regarding your accident. We take every case on a contingency fee basis. Call us at 718-569-5430 or e-mail us at

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