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Prosecuting Actions Against Public and Government-Run Entities

Being a victim of a mass transit accident can be traumatizing as well as challenging for variety of reasons. For instance, imagine you were a passenger in a New York City public bus just like any other day, heading to your work. Due to the limited number of seats that were all already occupied by other passengers, you had no other choice but to remain in a standing position relying on your footing and a handhold as the bus made its way through the traffic. Once the traffic ahead cleared up, the bus driver sped up the bus a bit faster than usual heading to the next bus stop. For unknown reasons to you, the bus driver all of sudden slammed down on the brake and the bus came to an abrupt stop, almost violently. You think you had a firm hold on the handhold, but your body could not resist the force created by the abrupt stop of the bus. As a result, you went flying forward into the front of the bus and was seriously injured. In fact, you were the only one that had been standing on the bus at the time and no one fell out of their seats due to this sudden stop. After the accident, you realized that the bus did not collide with any other cars, persons, or any other object. The bus driver insists that he was simply slowing down the bus as usual for the next bus stop.

city bus

Mass Transit Accidents

You might be wondering with so many questions. Do I have a case? If so, do I sue the bus driver? Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA)? Oh, wait, the bus also had the logo saying New York City Transit Authority. Are they separate entities? Do I have to do anything before bringing an action against them? Can anyone on the bus be a witness for me to help my case? Etc.

Whether it is a bus, train or subway, the mass transit system in our region is run by a public corporation such as MTA in New York or by a state-owned entity such as New Jersey Transit in New Jersey. Due to this nature, there are some special time limits as well as the standard of laws that you need to comply with and overcome in order to receive compensation for your injuries. This also applies to other situations when you are a driver, bicyclist or pedestrian involved in an accident and wants to bring legal action against public entities and other government-run transportation entities.

Fighting for Clients’ Legal Rights

At Song | Park, LLP, we are vastly experienced in handling and successfully prosecuting actions against public entities and other government-run transportation entities. The philosophy that defines our practice is to build up your accident case meticulously from the ground up with a clear plan and aggressively and strategically execute the plan throughout the litigation process so that we can ensure you get the best results that you deserve. At Song | Park, LLP, we keep fighting the good fight for our injured clients’ legal rights.

If you or a loved one has been in a bus and/or mass transit accident, contact the lawyers at Song | Park, LLP, for a free consultation to discuss any questions and/or concerns regarding your accident. We take every case on a contingency fee basis. Call us at 718-569-5430 or e-mail us at

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