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Injuries from Pedestrian-Vehicle Incidents

Living and working in the New York metropolitan area, it is inevitable for people to travel on foot in order to go about their business. This means that pedestrians are to share the street with cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks, etc. which poses a great danger to pedestrians. Each year, hundreds of pedestrians are needlessly and tragically killed on our streets and thousands more are injured after being struck by motor vehicles.

Traffic laws give the right of way to pedestrians and pedestrians have the expectation that the motorists will yield. Moreover, many cities such as New York City have adopted government policies and programs such as Vision Zero initiatives in order to prevent traffic fatalities and pedestrian fatalities. Certainly, the needless and tragic deaths and severe injuries caused by traffic accidents can be prevented by taking a proactive and preventive approach by the public as a whole. At the same time, unfortunately, it is also true that these traffic “accidents” still happen resulting in serious and sometimes fatal injuries to pedestrians caused by impatient, aggressive, distracted, negligent, careless or reckless drivers.

pedestrian crossing sign

Putting Your Best Interests First

People, in general, may think the at-fault drivers and their insurance companies will be more likely to work to protect the pedestrian accident victims in such cases. Unfortunately, this is not true. The at-fault drivers and their insurance companies will instead try to put the fault on pedestrians and/or underplay the injuries in order to limit, minimize, or escape from the responsibility for the accident, by all means. As a result, it is very important to choose a lawyer that you can trust who will actually put your best interests above the rest.

Fighting for Clients’ Legal Rights

At Song | Park, LLP, our lawyers have dealt with and handled innumerable pedestrian accident cases over the past decade that involved all different types of situations. From countless cases of crosswalk accidents and pedestrians hit by cars, trucks, buses, taxis, ambulances, fire trucks, and even bicycles, from relatively minor soft-tissue injury cases to tragic death cases, we possess extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in all aspects of pedestrian accident cases from its inception to trial-by-jury. We take pride in building up your accident case meticulously from the ground up with a clear plan and aggressively and strategically execute the plan throughout the litigation process so that we can ensure you get the results that you deserve. At Song | Park, LLP, we keep fighting the good fight for our injured clients’ legal rights.

If you or a loved one has been in a pedestrian accident, contact the lawyers at Song | Park, LLP, for a free consultation to discuss any questions and/or concerns regarding your accident. We take every case on a contingency fee basis. Call us at 718-569-5430 or e-mail us at

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